No one should play with their heritage, not even you!

I have never invested in the stock market. How can I do that?

Our values added to your values.

How to manage my parents' inheritance?

I need help to manage my finances.

I want to ensure my standard of living in retirement!


AWAP Asset Management provides open, discretionary and guided investment management as well as all types of services related to capital consolidation and growth.

Discover our services!


All decisions concerning professional and family life have a consequence on future pensions. When making major financial decisions, the impact on pension provision should not be ignored.

Why is this important?

Wealth Management

Because “with time and patience, the leaf of the mulberry tree becomes silk”, we are the guardians of the preservation of your capital, often resulting from the work of several generations.

What can we do for you?

Training by AdvisorOne

“I don’t understand anything about finance?”
“I wouldn’t have the same standard of living in retirement anyway.”
“I would love to invest … But where do I start?”

We’ll help you see more clearly with our training!

Training for Women

Training for Young

AWAP Asset Management is here for you!

Do you need help managing your assets?

Are you experiencing problems with your retirement assets?

Do you want your money to be used to achieve your goals?

You want to preserve your legacy for future generations?

Working hours

Monday-Friday 9h-17h


Rue du Mont-Blanc 4 – 1201 Genève



+41 22 510 12 50

Managing your assets is a priority!

I want my capital to grow.

How can I maintain my lifestyle in retirement?

I want to be sure that my children will inherit my capital.

How can I optimize my bank charges?

I would like to recover and manage my 2nd pillar assets.

How can I invest in accordance with my values?

What are the solutions to improve my 3rd pillar investments?

Are ESG investments more efficient?

AWAP Asset Management (former AdvisorOne) in the media

AdvisorOne fêtes ses 15 ans
AdvisorOne fêtes ses 15 ans

L'aventure de l'indépendance n'est pas un long fleuve tranquille. Je n'y serais pas arrivé sans conviction, détermination et mon inébranlable positivité !Quel bonheur 🤗 de pouvoir fêter 🍾 🎉 les 15 ans d'AdvisorOne !Merci 🙏 à tous et toutes pour votre confiance et...

Pourquoi tout le monde parle de… Metaverse?
Pourquoi tout le monde parle de… Metaverse?

« Le métaverse est sur le point de tout changer », titrait fièrement Vanity Fair l’année dernière. « D’ici peu, nous accrocherons des NFT aux murs de nos maisons virtuelles et achèterons des hauts Balenciaga pour nos alter-egos numériques. »



Wealth Management
